Page 9 - OSMH Foundation - 2023 Community Impact Report
P. 9

Old Equipment

           Gets A New Life

           A hospital is like a home. Just like a home, you need to
           have a plan to replace items with a limited lifespan, like
           appliances, vehicles, or even the shingles on your roof.

           Each year, our hospital follows a streamlined process
           to assess the greatest needs within the organization
           and prioritizes the items that are in need of repair or
           replacement. The items in need of replacement are
           often well loved and have helped to provide care for      ORILLIA, CANADA
           many patients over the years.
                                                                                                                   Medical supplies from OSMH
                                                                                                                   arrive in Mariel, Cuba.
             With support and donations from our
             communities, Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial
             Hospital can purchase new parts and
             replace older equipment with newer,                           2423 KM
             advanced models.

           Whenever it is possible, our hospital will donate well-
           loved equipment to other facilities in need. From 2022
           – 2023, OSMH replaced 59 stretchers in our Emergency,   MARIEL, CUBA
           Surgical, and Outpatient Departments. Through this
           process, we were able to donate 21 stretchers, 10 cots,
           and two baby incubators to a hospital in need. These
           specific items have found a new home in Mariel, Cuba,
           fulfilling their strong need for new equipment.

           When you donate to Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital,
           you’re not just supporting regional healthcare. We are                         A nurse from a Mariel, Cuba medical facility tends to her
                                                                                          young patient using recently donated medical supplies.
           proud to support the health and well-being of people
           who need it most, where they need it most.

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