Page 14 - OSMH Foundation - 2023 Community Impact Report
P. 14

“The new hysteroscope is
                                                                                                      extremely helpful. We are
                                                                                                      providing removal of uterine

                                                                                                      lesions, such as polyps and
                                                                                                      fibroids with improved

                                                                                                      visibility and accuracy and
                                                                                                      with less anesthetic. This is
                                                                                                      especially important for our

                                                                                                      most high-risk women. The
                                                                                                      funding is deeply appreciated
        Thank You for Supporting Quality Care                                                         by the surgeons and our

        for Women in our Region                                                                       patients.” - Dr. K Rheault, OB/GYN

        When we asked, you answered.

        OSMH gynecologist, Dr. Kim Bremer asked for your support in the purchase of a new hysteroscope for the Soldiers’ Operating Room.

        The hysteroscope is used for patients suffering from fibroids, non-cancerous tumors on the muscle of the uterus, or endometrial polyps, an overgrowth
        of the inner uterine lining.

        By advancing the quality of equipment used during a hysteroscopy procedure, patients receive the highest standard of care. The new device improves
        visualization for our medical team, uses a safe saline solution and can prevent the need for more invasive and life-altering surgeries.

        With your support we purchased a new hysteroscopic tissue removal device for Soldiers’ gynecologists.

                                                                       “We recognize the importance of equipping clinicians with
        DONOR SPOTLIGHT  Shadowbox Learning Services Inc.              advanced medical tools to enhance patient care. Our hope is
        When hearing the need for a new Hysteroscope, Shadowbox        that this investment leads to improved treatment outcomes for
        Learning Services Inc. wanted to make a difference. The locally   women within our community. We encourage other businesses
        owned, family operated business made a generous donation to    and residents in Orillia and area to consider how they may
        complete the remaining funds needed for the hysteroscope.      support OSMH as well.”
                                                                       – Will McGarvey, President, Shadowbox Learning Services Inc.

        1 4 • OSMHF • 2 0 23 COMMUNIT Y IMPAC T REPORT                                                                    Stefan McGarvey (left) & Will McGarvey (right)
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