Page 13 - OSMH Foundation - 2023 Community Impact Report
P. 13

Soldiers’ New MRI

        Marks a Community


        One of our biggest accomplishments in 2023 was the arrival
        and installation of the new state-of-the-art Magnetic
        Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine.

        The purchase of the new machine is attributed to three years of community
        fundraising and the generosity of so many donors to bring advanced care to
        Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital.

        Now fully functional, our patients and healthcare team are expressing
        sincere gratitude for the major upgrade.
                                                                                                 MRI MACHINES DETECT SOFT TISSUE CONDITIONS
        “Numerous patients have expressed appreciation for the reduction                         OR INJURIES, SUCH AS TUMORS, LIGAMENT, AND
        in scanner noise levels and the enhanced comfort provided by the                         JOINT INJURIES, AND DISEASES
        larger dimensions of the scanner bore,” says Andrew Mogg, MRI Charge
        Technologist, Diagnostic Imaging.
                                                                                                 SOLDIERS’ PERFORMS OVER
        “We are delighted to hear such positive reviews and remain dedicated to                  9,600 MRI SCANS ANNUALLY
        continually enhancing patient care and satisfaction through the integration
        of advancing technologies and patient-centered design principles,” said                  THE NEW MRI HAS A LARGER, LESS
        Chantel Grant, Manager of Diagnostic Imaging.
                                                                                                 CLAUSTROPHOBIC BORE
        Thank you for helping to advance technology at Soldiers’, making a
        difference in the lives of your community and the communities that rely on               THE NEW MRI MACHINE WOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE
        Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital.                                                     WITHOUT THE SUPPORT OF OUR COMMUNITIES

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