Page 10 - OSMH Foundation - 2023 Community Impact Report
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Foundation At A Glance                                                                              $3.5 Million in Grants to Soldiers’

        2023 - 2024

                                                                                                    The new state-of-the art MRI has advanced imaging
                                                                                                    capabilities and is improving patient experiences.
                                                                                                    Story on page 12.

                                            Total                                                   NUC MED SPEC CT
                                        Revenue:                                                    This advanced equipment allows healthcare providers
                                                                                                    to visualize and assess various bodily functions,
                                   $5 Million                                                       which can be invaluable in diagnosing and managing
                                                                                                    conditions like cancer, thyroid disorders, kidney
                                                                                                    diseases, and heart conditions.

                                                                                                    BED STRETCHER PLAN
                                                                                                    OSMH replaced 59 stretchers in areas around the
                                                                                                    Hospital. By replacing the stretchers, the Hospital
                                                                                                    was able to donate the old ones. Story on page 9.
                                      Sources of Revenue
                    Phi anthropic Giving 52%   Investments and Other Income  17%
                                     Lottery 15%     Events 16%

                                                                                                    We asked, you answered. The new hysteroscope will
                     Our 2023/2024 audited financial statements                                     make a difference in quality of life for women in our
                     are available on our website.
                                         communities. Story on page 14.

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