Page 7 - OSMH Foundation - 2023 Community Impact Report
P. 7


        SAFE ROOMS                                                                 standard for these                 increased and our patient
                                                                                                                      “Our population has
                                                                                   “This is the gold
        1 in 5 Canadians will experience mental health difficulties each year, and   types of rooms. It shows      volumes have almost doubled in
        the numbers continue to grow.                                           that the community is              the last six years. The community
                                                                                seeing that there’s a              sees the hard work we do and
        In May of 2023, we opened two mental health safe rooms in our           need for mental health             the restrictions we have. It’s
        Emergency Department. These rooms provide safety, privacy, and          care and values the                great to see our communities
        support to those in crisis and allow our staff to support the growing   investment needed to               come together to help our
        mental health needs in our communities.                                 provide the best care.”            Emergency Department.”

                                                                                —  Brandon Lewicki, Program        —  Joice Antony, Program
        This project was generously funded and supported by the Chippewas of      Manager of Mental Health           Manager of the Emergency
        Rama First Nation. Rama First Nation made a $115,000 commitment to        Services                           Department
        our hospital in support of mental health care and life-saving equipment.
        The rooms have been used by patients every day since opening and,
        due to the quality of materials used, have not had any maintenance
        closures. This addition provides a safe environment for healthcare         “Rama First Nation is proud to assist OSMH in providing a safe
        providers, patients, and those experiencing a mental health crisis.        space for vulnerable patients experiencing mental health issues. It is
                                                                                rewarding to learn that so many have been benefited by the opening of
        OSMH’s mental health safe rooms are having a positive impact on         these rooms in the hospital over the past year.
        patients in need. They provide our patients with room to walk, and rest,
        and a chalkboard wall for creativity and expression.                    Rama’s partnership with OSMH continues to create opportunities for
                                                                                learning, developing and supporting all our communities in health and
        Miigwetch (Thank you) to Chippewas of Rama First Nation for helping     wellness.”
        OSMH provide healthcare excellence to those in need of mental health    —  Chief Ted Williams, Chippewas of Rama First Nation

        “People who are in an emotionally or mentally fragile state need to feel safe and like they’re worthy of care. Having access to
        these new mental health rooms is so important because they give people like me, who are struggling or are in their darkest
        moments, the ability to just be ourselves in a place that is comfortable, private, and supportive.”              —  Mental Health Patient Amanda S.

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