Page 3 - OSMH Foundation - 2023 Community Impact Report
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        A reflection on this past year takes us through a journey of history, discovery,   We can do it with your support!
        and growth.
                                                                                  It is our hope that as you turn through the pages of this report, you will be
        As new leaders to the OSMH Foundation team, it was important for us to    inspired by our patients and their stories, the gratitude of our healthcare
        start by understanding the deep history of the Foundation and its profound   professionals, and the difference you made over the last year, to join us on this
        connection to our communities.                                            leg of our journey.

        Last year, we spent time with our volunteers, donors, and community members   We also take this opportunity to thank you for your steadfast support. We are
        to listen and learn about your experiences and your connection to the hospital   motivated by your generosity and your commitment to improving the lives of
        and the Foundation. More of this work can be found on pages 4 & 5.        others.

        What we discovered to be certain is that your commitment to Soldiers’, over   Together, the possibilities for exceptional health will always grow.
        nearly four decades, has brought world-class healthcare closer to home.

        It is from community support that major expansions and redevelopment have
        occurred throughout the hospital’s history. Advancements in technology,   Perry Esler
        newly developed, life-saving equipment, training and education for staff, and
                                                                                  PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER
        programs to support growing health concerns, such as rehabilitation and
        mental health, are available to our communities.

        As we look ahead to 2024 and beyond with this historical knowledge and    Raquel Ness
        appreciation of your generosity, we are focused on philanthropic growth.    CHAIR, OSMH FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS

        There is growth happening all around us. The population of our surrounding
        communities continues to expand. Our hospital will adapt and advance to
        meet the needs of those it serves, and we will provide the resources that
        support our communities now and for generations to come.

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