Page 6 - OSMH Foundation - 2023 Community Impact Report
P. 6

Orillia Resident Noreen

        Banks Gives a Lasting

        Legacy to OSMH

        Noreen Banks moved to Orillia 7 years ago. She has settled into the easy-going
        nature of its small-town charm. It’s different from the busy cities where she
        has lived before. Noreen traveled and lived across the globe, moving around
        with her late husband Clare for his work.

        When they settled in Orillia, Noreen and Clare found that, based on their stage
        of life, they needed to rely on the hospital more often than anywhere else
        they’ve lived.
                                                                                                                     NOREEN WITH HER
                                                                                                                     CHILDREN LISA AND GREG
           “Soldiers’ is the hospital that we used more
           than any other and the caregivers have                                 When making the decision to include Soldiers’ in her will, Noreen’s two adult
           always been number one.” – Noreen Banks                                children Lisa and Greg were very supportive.

        The experience that Noreen had with Soldiers’, from her own, to the care she
        saw given to Clare, has become an integral part of her legacy.             “My parents have always worked hard and instilled that
                                                                                   ethic in my brother and me. With my mother’s history of
        Noreen has made gifts to OSMH on many occasions; she often looks for ways   giving and my father’s experience at the hospital, it was no
        to give back when she sees a need. Recently, Noreen had an opportunity to see   surprise she would want to give back to the community in
        her philanthropy at work when she toured the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. “I   this way. We are very proud of her.” – Lisa, Noreen’s Daughter
        was so moved. I saw a little tiny foot in an incubator, and I just prayed for him,”
        said Noreen.

        Noreen has chosen to carry on her legacy of giving at Soldiers’. With her recent
        donation through a gift of securities and by including OSMH Foundation in her             Interested in learning more about making an
        will, Noreen has ensured that she will support the health and wellbeing of her            impact through Legacy Giving? Visit our website.
        community for generations to come.                                              

        “I see the benefit of giving, absolutely.”

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