Page 8 - OSMH Foundation - 2023 Community Impact Report
P. 8


        From Fear to Recovery By Kim Goggins

        I have lived in the Orillia area for 28 years and, for 26 of those years, I’d barely visited Orillia
        Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital. That changed in 2022 when my diverticulosis turned to diverticulitis,
        resulting in me having to be admitted to OSMH five times between January and June.

        I spent Easter, my anniversary, and my birthday at OSMH. It was still during COVID so sometimes,
        my husband could only drop me off at Emerg and I couldn’t see him during my stay. I saw the
        hospital staff more than I saw family and friends. The last time I was admitted was in June with
        a perforated bowel. This time, it was really serious. I was told I would need to go into surgery later
        that day.

        Surgery had been a looming threat for months and I had been building a care plan with my
        surgeon, Dr. Joshua Greenberg, whom I trusted implicitly. That plan did not involve getting rushed
        into surgery that day and I knew I wasn’t ready for my life to change so quickly. I was terrified.

        Fortunately, Dr. Greenberg advocated for my health and shared my care plan with the other
        surgeon. I was admitted to the hospital for four weeks and put on IV antibiotics, which helped me
        heal before surgery.

        My surgery was challenging and took over six hours. Dr. Greenberg expertly performed a resection
        of the problematic area of colon, joined the two divided ends back together, and gave me a
        protecting loop ileostomy to allow the area to safely heal. Although the surgery was successful,
        it meant I had a temporary ostomy bag. You can live with an ostomy bag, but it adds many
        challenges. I wasn’t ready emotionally for the changes ahead of me.

        What gave me hope was Dr. Greenberg’s confidence and surgical expertise. He told me that there
        was a strong possibility he could reverse the surgery in six months, and I would no longer need
        the ostomy bag. Sure enough, six months and four days after my initial surgery, he successfully
        reversed the procedure.

        Since my reversal surgery, I have been able to go back to the life I enjoyed. Dr. Greenberg is an
        exceptional surgeon. He is intelligent, confident, and very modest. He was an important part of a
        health-care team that I trusted and who treated me – along with other patients – with kindness
        and empathy.

        Even though I went through some traumatic experiences at OSMH, I feel comforted when I
        return. That is due, in large part, to the people who cared for me. We are so fortunate to have
        such incredible healthcare so close to home.

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