About OSMH

We inspire and engage our communities to make a lasting impact by supporting healthcare excellence at Orillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital.

Why Give

When you donate to the OSMH Foundation, you are making an investment in your community. Your support today carries forward to provide exceptional health care in the time it’s needed most and will leave a lasting impact on the future of patients and their families.

Ways to Give

Smiling woman in scrubs stands in front of bedside monitor with sunshine behind her

Provide rays of hope, one month at a time. Monthly Giving is a convenient way to support the greatest needs today and shape the future of healthcare in our community.

Join our special group of committed donors and see how a little goes a long way.

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A man with a moustache wearing a black and white head scarf and grey scrubs standing beside a large piece of medical equipment
A gift in memory or in honour of someone special provides a meaningful way to pay tribute to their legacy or celebrate their life.

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A woman in a hospital hallway wearing a purple mask, hair scarf and scrubs
Expressing gratitude for an OSMH team member who provided exceptional care for you or your family brightens their day and supports healthcare excellence by enhancing the tools and equipment that our team members rely on.

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A grey haired man and woman looking at information on a clip board
What will your legacy be? Your future gift will ensure a lasting impact on our regional healthcare services by enhancing the care we can provide to our patients for generations to come.

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Unlock the power of giving through publicly traded securities. Since 2006, the Government of Canada has waived capital gains tax on appreciated marketable securities donated directly to our Foundation, offering a tax-efficient means to support the health and vitality of your community.

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Land Acknowledgement

We would like to acknowledge that we are situated on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabek Nation. We acknowledge the enduring presence of the First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples of this region, specifically the Tri-Council First Nations comprised of Beausoleil First Nation, the Chippewas of Rama First Nation, and the Chippewas of Georgina Island. We also acknowledge Moose Deer Point First Nation, the Wahta Mohawks, and the Georgian Bay and Moon River Metis Councils. It should also be noted that the Wendat and the Haudenosaunee Nations have also walked on this territory over time. Thank you - Miigwech - Merci