Why I Volunteer: Hermoine Nielsen

Meet Hermoine Nielsen, a dedicated volunteer with the Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Foundation.

Hermoine retired to Orillia over 5 years ago and has been volunteering at the Foundation office since 2021. With her long career in fundraising and data management, she uses her skills and experience to make a positive impact at OSMH

In the past, she worked with volunteers and valued their contributions to the organization’s success. Now, as a volunteer herself, Hermoine enjoys working with like-minded, passionate, and dedicated professionals.

“I’m constantly inspired and motivated by the passion exhibited by the team here. I always feel valued and appreciated by everyone, which makes my volunteer experience truly special.”

Through volunteering, generous community members can contribute to their health and well-being while strengthening the organization they support. Volunteering is a great way to contribute to causes you care about and make a positive impact on your community. It can help individuals meet new people and learn new skills.

“The different tasks I’m asked to carry out make my ‘job’ interesting and engaging. I’m also learning new skills, which is good for my brain!”

Hermoine is proud to be able to help the Foundation team and provide support to Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital.

I love being involved with our hospital. We know that government funding doesn’t provide for equipment needs and that’s why it’s so important to help raise donations. We have a fantastic hospital and most of us will require its services, so it’s important to do what we can.”

This National Volunteer Week, we thank our incredible volunteers for their support. Whether they support our events, help around the office, or serve on our board of directors, we are thankful for the time and resources dedicated to our Hospital and Foundation.