President’s Letter- January 2024

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Happy New Year, and thank you for supporting the Orillia Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation.

I want to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude towards all those who supported the Foundation in 2023. Your gift of time, talent, or treasure are expressions of your commitment to improving the health and wellness of our community. We are honoured to be a part of the difference you are making.

Last year, we spent time with our volunteers, donors and community members to reflect on the history of Soldiers’ Foundation. We participated in exercises to see what from our past is useful today and what can be packed away – the analogy being ‘pack your baggage, take your luggage’ – as if on a journey to a new place. This work was essential to allow us to start our future vision planning.

We have a lot of exciting ‘luggage’ that we are bringing into the New Year, with a focus on strengthening the future of our community. We are looking forward to sharing our vision with you throughout the year and continuing to make a difference for those we serve.

Your dedication to the Foundation has already changed so many lives, we couldn’t plan for a brighter future without you. Thank you for your generosity and trust in us. Together, towards the future!

With sincere gratitude,

Perry Esler, President & Chief Executive Officer


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