Doug’s Story

Nothing can prepare you for the shock of hearing your doctor say the word cancer.

I know this firsthand because it happened to me last fall. I had no symptoms or signs that anything was wrong. At 74, I was enjoying retirement with my wife Sandy and our dog Sophie. It was only through a routine colonoscopy that we discovered the cancer.

When you plan for your retirement, a cancer diagnosis isn’t something you ever anticipate. But I feel fortunate that my cancer was caught early, and I’m incredibly grateful for the expertise and compassionate care I received from my healthcare team at Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital.

I was referred to specialists at Soldiers’. I had a suspicious looking polyp that they biopsied, then from there, I received the diagnosis—colorectal cancer.

I had hemicolectomy surgery to remove part of my colon. I spent three days recovering at Soldiers’, and the care I received was outstanding. The doctors and nurses were incredible, and the communication between the oncology team, my family doctor, and everyone involved was seamless. Every specialist focused on their expertise, yet they all worked together to keep my care a top priority. They’re really an amazing group of people.

After being on a liquid diet for days, I was excited when the nurse told me I could finally have solid food again. It was just before Thanksgiving and they brought in a huge Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, stuffing, potatoes—all the fixings. Seeing that plate of food made me feel at home and reminded me that I was really being cared for. It’s often those little gestures that make the biggest difference.

Sandy was so relieved she didn’t have to deal with the added stress of commuting to Toronto or another city to be by my side. Having access to quality healthcare right here in our own local community is something we don’t ever take for granted…

It’s comforting to know that when we need it most, excellent care is just around the corner, and that’s why keeping our hospital close to home is so important.

I hope my story motivates you to prioritize your routine screenings. Colorectal cancer rates are climbing among younger people, making early testing so important. Soldiers’ Hospital saved my life, but through regular screenings, the life you save might just be your own.

Please make a gift today to ensure Soldiers’ will remain a vital part of our community for generations to come.

With gratitude, Doug Shand – Grateful Patient and cancer survivor

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